Tuesday, October 16, 2007

All quiet on the feline front!

My buddy Val is ok! Well as ok as an 11 year old cat could be. He had an abscess under his chin which they drained. Then the blood test revealed that the old curmudgeon is diabetic. No more "Cat Chow", now it is on to diabetic kitty food. So we, I say "we" loosely, have to start giving him insulin shots! That will be hubs job! Then the vet also suspects he has hyperthyroid, which those tests won't come back until later in the week. The vet was gently trying to say that Val is old and may not really be out of the woods. So we will just play it by ear. But for right now this instant Val is home and looks like he feels so much better and that is all that matters. I suspect he won't be with us for too much longer but at least while he is I want him to be comfortable!

So my madwoman super spaz house cleaning plan for yesterday didn't really pan out. I had some momentum going, scrubbed out the microwave, took out the trash...got sidetracked...changed the sheets...got sidetracked....did make a valance for the window in my sewing room. I am still trying to organize it and when I am finished I will post pictures.

Go hug your cat or dog (...or horses or steers) today! You don't realize how much you love the little toots until you imagine them not being with you. I think I will go hug this little princess....


Mary said...

I'm glad that he was okay. I know you love your cats--probably like I love my dogs. Have fun with those insulin shots!!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I'm glad too that everything worked out ok for you little toot. I can't wait to get home and give my Madeline a big old squeeze. Your right you dont know how much you mis them till there gone. Love that photo too by the way.