Thurs. and Fri. I was engrossed in maniacal house cleaning. You see Friday night was my turn to host scrapbook night. Our group consists of 9 girls. We all used to/some still do work at the PDO at a local church. We started "scrapbook night" almost 2 years ago. We get together once a month to eat,drink, be merry, scrapbook and laugh!!! We always have a raucous good time! I look forward to it every month, getting to see the girls, be silly, laugh at each other....good times folks, good times! I adore these girls and wouldn't trade them! (I am trying to switch them all over to quilting. I am not having much...any actually, luck! Chickens!) As I told you we all were/are employees of the PDO, except one of us. Krazy Kristen. Her sweet baby boy was in our room. Kristen would come on her lunch break to nurse Carter. She is a nut and just cracked us up! She would go to another room to nurse, modesty you know. So finally we told her that we loved her and her crazy stories soooo much that we wanted her to just nurse Carter in our room so we could chat. We were not offended, hey we were all moms, been there done that. So the secret scrapbook society unanimously voted Kristen in...I mean once you have seen someone's boobs it is only fair that they get to scrapbook with you!!! And we have not regretted it, she keeps us in stitches with her stories that sometimes are truly bizarre and you wonder how stuff like that can happen to one person!!!
I finished my "learning" sampler! By some weird turn of events all of my blocks turned out to be the exact correct size they were supposed to be?!?! It is that new Pfaff, it deserves all the glory. Thursday was my last class. I am taking a machine quilting class the week after Thanksgiving. Since this is my learning quilt I may just go ahead and try to machine quilt it. I bought a book...the quilt is small... I can do it?!?!
I am 3/4 of the way through HP #7. I am so anxious and nervous about how it is going to end. I tried to stay up last night and just finish it... but I am a weenie and fell asleep. I love you Harry you brave boy!!!! Today... I WILL finish today!
Yesterday we went to church, had lunch with MIL, back home and played a few hundred games of "Sorry" with blonde rascal...
It was fun. He LOVED it. He wanted to play this morning before school!
Guess who won this round....
I have to go run errands now. Then my friend Lori (you may know her as Jennifer, Jennifer Aniston, if you have read my blog for very long) and I are going to a little Creative Memories lunch thingy dingy that a friend is hosting. After which I must go to the grocery store so that no one in the house starves! And then it will be time to pick up blonde rascal from school and the "Sorry" marathon will continue!
Happy Monday everyone!
Wow! I got a whole chunk of the blog devoted to me! I cannot tell you what an honor that is for me. And it is true that bizarre things tend to happen to me- believe me, you can't make this stuff up! Thank you, baby room girls, for adopting me into your fold.
Ah, scrapbooking.....why does it ever have to end?? Once a month is certainly not enough. I miss all of you already.......
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