Blonde rascal and I were studying his spelling words Wednesday night. One of his words was master. Often times while studying we put the words into sentences. Blonde rascal said..."Mom has her Master's Degree". (I am not real sure where he even heard of such a thing?)
To which I replied...
Mom: "No I just have my Bachelor's Degree, which is sadly not as impressive."
BR: "In what?"
Mom: "Communication Studies"
BR: "What do you do with that? (same thing I am sure my parents thought)
Mom: "Well it is not a specialized is very generalized, so I could do lots of things!" (read I'll never get paid the big bucks)
BR: "Like be a moto cross racer?"
Mom: "No doubt!"
BR: "Or a Monster Jam driver! You would love to drive a monster truck!"
Mom: "You know I would SO love that!"
BR: "Or you could just keep on being a bookkeeper for Dad's car lot"
Oh yawn! That is so sad. I had so many exciting career options at my fingertips and I end up with bookkeeper.
I laughed and hugged him and told him the only job I ever wanted was being his Mom. Then I showered him with kisses as he freaked out and tried to get away from me.
However, it is comforting to know that should something ever happen to hubs and I need to support the family...there is always that Monster Jam option.
Nice post! I do have a master's and my son says he's going to get a phd just to be smarter than me.
Hey! Maybe I should do that instead!
Oh that sounds like it would be a fun job. My kids (21 & 17 ) wanted to know what I wanted to be when they were little. To this day I still tell them I don't know I haven't grown up yet.
Well there ya go! From the mouths of babes! :o) Too cute!
Oh, I'm voting for motocross racer. There are no moms racing motocross.
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I could soooo see you being a Monster Jam driver, not sure what Monster Jam is, but I have a picture in my mind of you in a big truck driving OVER stuff. Too cool!! Never forget that you are working at a business YOU own. That is better than a bookkeeper. Your degree has paid off for you!! I think I found a major Taylor..........
Good day, sun shines!
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