This is 20,500 gallons of water being pumped into our pasture.
This is blonde rascal at the lake last summer.....
...oh wait.... that wasn't the lake, that is our pool....
We threw in the towel Friday evening and decided to drain it.
It was nasty. N-a-s-t-y.
Here it is Saturday morning.
We started to refill it that afternoon....
Blonde rascal played in the deep end, which was the shallow end, while filling...
It is currently the most gorgeous shade of blue.
We now let the 12 bags of mineral salt something or other that we dumped in today, which I won't tell you how much per bag THAT cost, circulate for 10 days. After that, all it "supposed to" take is one small bag of refresher once a week. Easy as pie.
We'll just see about that. That was its last chance though. If it ever turns to pea soup will be filled with dirt and turned into a lovely garden.
And after emptying 20,500 gallons of water into our pasture on Friday night.... Saturday and today we got a total of 2.5" of rain. I saw one of the horses doing the back stroke.
Wowza! You weren't kidding about the pool turning into a swamp....ick! How long did it take to pump all that water out? That's a LOT of liquid!
Wow who would have thought this would be your nightmare in Snyder. I hope this is it. I'm glad he got to enjoy the pool while you were filling it...too cute!!
Wow! hope that your water rates aren't as high in Snyder as they are in Lubbock. Wait, do you have a well??? We may be investing in one soon....gotta be cheaper than LP & L!!
YIKES! What a nightmare!
I hope we can see some lovely blue pool water soon and some great pics of you and blond rascal doing flips and belly flops off of the diving board!
Good Luck!
That pool looks huge uncovered. That is alot of water!!! It is going to be all good now!! Happy Ending. I love, love, love the picture of Z. on the diving board. Too cute, and again, love the great camera. Yes, I just e-mailed you, but I thought I would click over here and check some blogs......
That's funny!! A new flower garden perhaps?? We adopted a KOI pond with our new house and they offered to fill it in. Now after spending alot of cash we're thinking..........a new flower garden would be quite nice.
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